Effective Ways to Manage Conflict and Anger
Denise Bernal
Dr. Rachana Misraraj
June 23, 2010
I. Introduction
II. Define Conflict
III. Define Anger
IV. Causes and Levels of Conflict in the Workplace
V. Managing Conflict in the Workplace
VI. Understanding and Handling Anger in the Workplace
Effective Ways to Manage Conflict and Anger
Conflict and anger in the workplace happens, it happens in every organization, but there are effective ways for you as the employee and the manager to manage it and get control before it gets out of hand. Conflict occurs when one does not have a “clear” understanding of the other side, one believes they are right and the other person is wrong. Anger arises when the conflict has not been addressed; it arises from feelings of frustration, annoyance, disappointment, and hurt. This paper will focus on logical ways to understand and effectively manage conflict and anger in the workplace. Peter F. Drucker said, “The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said” (2008).
What is conflict? When I asked people around me to define what they thought conflict is I got responses such as: confrontation, argument, difference of opinion, fight, struggle, a duel, and disagreement. Many of us see conflict as a negative thing and don’t want to have to deal with it, but there are techniques that can be implemented to help one handle difficult situations. Per Anthony Portuesi, Driven Leaders says “Conflict is often the driving force to address problems or recognize different points of view – all very positive” (2008). Portuesi also said, “Conflict isn’t the problem – it’s when conflict is managed poorly that it becomes a problem” (2008). One needs an approach or strategy so that they don’t over-react to conflict. When conflict occurs we are usually going with our own “story” and don’t have a clear...