Conservation Versus Preservation

Conservation Versus Preservation
Alexis Lucca
William Gangloff, PhD

Conservation Versus Preservation
Conservation is the sustainable use of the natural resources including wildlife, water, air, and the earth deposits. Some, if not most of the of the natural resources maybe renewable or nonrenewable resources. The conservation of renewable resources like trees involves making sure that we are not using more than what we are going to be able to replace. The conservation of non-renewable resources is like the fossil fuels that involve ensuring that we are only using them as we need them. Preservation is the way of maintaining the earth to keep it in its original condition. Some areas of the earth are, only so far, untouched by humans. This is due to the concern that mankind is encroaching onto the environment at such a rate that many untamed and untouched landscapes are being given over to our farmers for farming, industry, housing, tourism, and other human development projects. Due to all this we are losing too much of what is natural. This is from my personal point of view, and how I honestly feel, I don’t think that we, as humans, should be harvesting our forest for resources. I think that they should leave all the forest alone, because they are taking down a large amount of trees and we are unable to grow them as quick as they are taking them down. I find it to be unfair. The reason for this is because of the wildlife. We are taking their homes away from them. The natural habitat that they are used o we are actually taking it away. As a result of what we are doing are causing the death of some animals. I think that the forest should be left at their natural resource state and not used to benefit our way of life in any way, shape, or form. I think that we should honestly come up with an alternative to some of the resources we are using from the forest to benefit in our way of life.
On the side of preservation, I think that all...