In life have to make decisions on what we want to achieve in life, 15 years ago I received my undergraduate degree in Communication. At that time I did not even consider of going to school any further. My belief then was I would not need to continue my education. I had my undergraduate degree and the world was waiting for me to take it by storm. I decided to move to Atlanta and obtain my upper level management job that I thought was waiting. I found out the hard way, those jobs we’re not waiting. The world is not always that easy, it something I have learned as I have grown. At the age of 22, I knew only what I had experienced at that time, which was little bit of nothing except leaving home at 18 and going off to school.
My first thought was that my degree was going to get me the job of my dreams, as I sat behind a cubicle working for a collection’s company as an Account Manager. I just knew that what I had worked hard for all those years, this in fact, cannot be my result. I almost allowed it to be. One night I met a woman who had worked in collections for more than 10 years. She also had the same ideology as me and thought that this was short time job and her career will soon start. She said after a couple of years in collections she was stuck. I don’t know if she ever got out or furthered her education. After that meeting I quickly took on a job as a Marketing Assistant. The pay was less but the reward was greater and there were more opportunities and into a whole new avenue. I became a hotel salesperson moving up in the 10 years to a regional director of sales. Once here it didn’t seem important to go back to school. Nobody I knew had a Master’s in the hotel business. Why did I need one! Then hit by the economy, laid off twice in one year. These unfortunate situations led me to go to school to receive my Master’s.
I have always thought about and considered but was afraid to follow through on the process....