|Name/picture of contra-indication |Type of infection |Description |Contra-indicated or not |Advice given to client |
|Warts and verruca |Viral |A hard, raised cauliflower looking |Prevents as they are very |Can disappear in 2 years |
| |infection |growth on the skin |contagious |or over the counter |
| | | | |treatments |
|Cold sores |Viral infection |A red patch that develops blisters, |Prevents as contagious so |Over the counter |
| | |this turns into a crusty patch |avoid touching that area |treatments available |
|Psoriasis |Skin disorder |Skin cells are produced rapidly and |Not contra-indicated as |Recommend relaxing |
| | |build up on the skins surface. |it’s not contagious. Avoid|treatments to reduce |
| | |Itchy, scaly patches with a white |area to prevent irritation|stress. Advised to see GP |
| | |surface. | | |
|Skin tags |Skin disorder |Small skin extensions of loose |Not contra-indicated. |Advise to see GP |
| | |tissue. Some are caused by surface |Avoid...