Core 3.1

CYP Core 3.1: Understand child and young person development
        1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2
Sequence of development refers to the normal sequence in which children learn different skills, and the rate of development refers to the speed in which the child will develop. Sequence is common in most children but the rate in which they develop the skills changes.
Child development is displayed in five different areas:
Physical development
Social development
Intellectual development
Communication and Language development
Emotional development
The difference between the sequence of development and rate of development is the sequence never changes it remains the same, yet the rate a child develops tends to change in most cases. This can be due to factors such as:
Childs social background
Patterns of growth
Disability and learning difficulties
Health and nutrition
These factors can only affect the rate of development but cannot affect the sequence of development. The general set stages of development are:
Walking with aid
Walking independently
Although in some cases some children tend not to crawl and move straight to walking along furniture to walking independently. Children will tend to complete one stage of development before moving to another developmental milestone. It is perfectly normal for a child to start walking at the age of 10 months old as it is perfectly normal for child to begin to walk at 18 months old. But if a child is clearly showing delays in any aspect of growth, it can be cause for concern which may lead to the child being given special recommendation to a certain professional to assess the situation.
As the child becomes older growth patterns may vary, for example children in the last 2 years of primary school may become taller and begin to show signs of puberty.   This can have a great effect on the child’s social and emotional development and in school some...