Daily life of an parole officer
Nakishia Smith
Everest University
Daily life of a parole officer
How long have you been working as a parole officer? I have been working as a parole officer for 9 years. (Parker, 2012) Can you tell me what you do from the time you arrive at work 9 AM and clock out at 5 PM? I make the public is safety by overseeing and analysis offenders in the public. I work directly with clients in maintenance the requirements that is set by jail or prison for the reentry program. I interviews, gathers, verifies and evaluates information to prepare pre-sentence investigations including sentencing recommendations/suggestions. Informs clients of conditions of supervision and develops supervision plans. Directly monitors clients' behavior. Maintains case files and documents case activities. Investigates, reports, and follows up on alleged client violations to determine appropriate and available sanctions. Prepares sentencing guidelines and testifies in circuit court. (Parker, 2012) What made you become a prarole officer? I really do not know I want to do something with criminal justice but I did not want to get hurt so I thought that a parole officer was the safesty way to go. (Parker, 2012) So after you became a parole officer was it what you thought it would be? Kind of sort of because I sit behind a desk on occasionaly I do a home visit to make sure the client is staying where they say they are living or working and to make sure they are not doing any legal activity. Before I became a parole officer I thought I might see more excitement. (Parker, 2012) May I ask how much do you get paid for being a parole officer? HA HA HA I get paid engouh but they can pay more for some of the things I deal with. (Parker, 2012) But really I think they start out paying around 42,000 a year. (Parker, 2012) Tell me what are some...