Counselling Practice

These questions can help you begin to monitor and reflect on what happens for you when you are counselling. As you think back on a session ask yourself:

What was going on for you – physically, emotionally?
This week i felt extremely tired as i have been under considerable pressure to reach deadlines on a project i am developing, emotional i felt well and had prepared for the session by thinking through the issues that had been concerning the client i was role playing.
I made time to reflect on the previous weeks session as the counsellor too, which helped me feel prepared for the 10 min closing   session. Emotionally i felt calm and confident. if i am honest i just wanted to get it over and done with and to help tracey feel comfortable with the outcome.
What thoughts were going on?
I was very aware that in the previous role play session my character had ben quite angry and upset by the supposed actions of his wife. on refelction i realised that this was too much of a complex character to deal with- once of the insight that Graham gave in his observed feedback was that my character had expressed HURT- i wanted to provide Tracey with the opportunity for a meaningful closure to the sessions so reflected on the insight which had been given (realization that client was hurting)

Did you have any images or pictures going on in your mind
i had made a visual note of how my character was going to explain his thought process.
In my role as helper i tried to clear my mind, occasionally when someone describes a scenario i try to imagine the individual in that place and how it would feel for them but not how i would respond.

  What did you feel about the client?
As the helper i felt like i was listening to   her (Tracey )and giving open active listening- i felt impressed that she had reached a satisfactory solution to the issues that had arisen. i felt of the previous week and had carried out actions supported by her manager...