Counterinsurgency Doctrine

International Relations
      This paper shows the different strategies and techniques the counterinsurgency doctrine can use to be successful in Afghanistan. Recent attempts to revive the counterinsurgency techniques for use in Afghanistan have been symbolized by a determination to pick up lessons from history. Particular emphases have been given to intelligence preparation and deployment planning of the battlefield, through joint interagency execution, planning and coordination and through the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations. In addition, the paper seeks to provide reasons why it is unethical to recruit from the universities, social scientists and scholars for the US military’s “Human Terrain Systems” (HTS) project who will later be used in counterinsurgency. The human terrain system used by the United States army has been a controversial project among academicians, as the American Anthropological Association released their annual report denouncing the HTS in the year 2010, which shows the implications and dangers it has on anthropologists and social scientists.
      The term counterinsurgency is an integrated set of security, political, social and economic measures intended to prevent and end the recurrence of armed violence, maintain and create stable social, political and economic structures and resolve the fundamental causes of an insurgency in order to prolong and establish the conditions necessary for lasting stability. The human terrain system is a program by the United States which embeds anthropologists and other social scientists with combat brigades currently in Afghanistan and Iraq assisting tacticians in the field understand local tradition and cultures in order to ease military endeavors in the areas. The human terrain system used by the United States army has been a controversial project among academicians, as the American Anthropological Association released their annual report...