Scout 1: "Would everyone please stand for the presentation of our Colors and the Pledge of Allegiance." Calls the Color Guard (2 Scouts) to “present the colors.” Once the Color Guard is in place, he leads the Pledge of Allegiance and the Acout Oath and Law. The colors are posted; he asks the audience to "Please be seated". He then dismisses the Color Guard "Color Guard, dismissed. Scouts, Scouters, and friends of Scouting, I would like to welcome you to this Eagle Court of Honor. Before we begin, the Chaplain will deliver the Invocation."
Chaplain delivers invocation
Scoutmaster: This is an occasion for pride and joy, as well as a time for serious reflection. The Eagle is the highest recognition that Scouting offers and only a small percentage of boys who begin in Scouting receive this honor. The attainment of this award is made possible through the assistance of Troop leaders, fellow Scouts, parents, family, friends, and members of the community. Today, we have the privilege of seeing (Eagle) realize his Scouting efforts as he joins the company of Eagle Scouts. (Eagle) has distinguished himself through his continued performance of active service in Scouting. He is trained and practiced in his leadership abilities. And, he is marked by the character gained through an understanding of citizenship and values. The wearer of the Eagle award is the epitome of Scouting's best efforts and beliefs. It is important that each of us understands the meaning of the Eagle Badge."
(Lights are dimmed)
Scout 2: "The appeal of the majestic eagle has been felt by every great society from prehistoric times to the present day. To the Egyptians, the eagle was the messenger of the Gods and the sun, a symbol of eternal life. To the Romans, he was the carrier of Jupiter's thunderbolts and a sign of power. To American Indians he stood as the incentive to valor and the pledge of victory. For us today, the eagle is the living symbol of all courageous and freedom-aspiring...