Question 2
1. Assessment Activity / Task 1 (Writing and Presenting) – Write instructions for a recipe then make it in class (eg. a sandwich).
1) Subject / Learning Area topic and Grade
Subject: English
Lesson Topic: Show and Tell a Recipe
Grade: 4
Assessment Grid
|Criteria |Marks |
|Lists materials used |3 |
|Uses the correct specific details |3 |
|Uses correct sequence |4 |
|Used the writing process (Planning, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, presenting) |10 |
|TOTAL |20 |
2) Learning Outcomes
The learner is able to write instructions and use the writing process wherein he/she does planning/pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading and presenting.
3) Assessment Standard
Learner is able to list materials and ingredients and is able to use correct specific details and correct sequence.
4) Assessor
The educator is the assessor, because the learner will be marked according to his/her ability to use proper language skills and the correct sequence and presenting.
5) Assessment instruments
An assessment grid will be used as above. It outlines all the things required for the presentation and the writing of the recipe.
6) Assessment criteria
Can the learner do something in sequence and explain what he/she is doing.