The purpose of this paper is to explain the intellectual and social contexts, the beliefs of the populace in reference to criminal behavior, the changes when moving away from the city, and crime hot spots, as pertaining to Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Michigan is 2000 square miles with a population of 870,000 residents. In the city of Detroit is a wide distance of multiple cultural centers, and ethic backgrounds.
The city surrounds a huge amount of history like the original location of the Michigan Capital, head quarters of the auto business, and home of Motown. Due to the vast amount of Detroit residents with no income. The neighborhoods dealing with unoccupied properties had to struggle to keep crime levels low.
Gang bangers, homeless, and drug addicts find vacant homes advantageous to crime needs (United States Census Bureau, 2010).
Demographics and Crime 3.
City Demographics and Crime Profile
Demographics gives the specifics needed to acquire knowledge pertaining to a city's inhabitants. Gaining this type of detailed information is critical to the producing of...