The aim of this essay is to critically review the research of Tim Black et al in study titled “Neighbourhood renewal and health : evidence from a local case study” published by Elsevier science limited ,Health and Place 7 2001.
The research was carried out to examine how damp and draughts had significant independent effects on respiratory health problems, and how draughts and community safety were linked to mental health problems. Jean Mcniff etal (2003) similarly confirm that the researcher establishes what he or she hope to realise and reasons.
Blackman et al`s work will be critically analysed putting into consideration the application of the principles of research, the author’s credibility, literature review, ethical consideration, and validity of the study, data analysis, the outcome and the observed weakness of the research.
Tim Blackman is a professor of sociology and pro vice chancellor for research scholarship and quality at the Open University; he has also worked as consultant for various health policy and NHS. His other colleagues are also specialist in health, social science and research, owing to this, it can be deduced that the researchers have experiences and expertise knowledge on the research topic.
To begin with, the title should be clear and concise and should directly reveal the purpose of the study, in my opinion, the title of this study is not stimulating to the reader. According to O`Leary a title must be flawless and crisp and explicit, specifying the precise content and framework of the problem the examiner wishes to discover (2005). In contrast, Chandra et al said that a projected study cannot absolutely be embodied in the study title but should give satisfactory information about the nature of the study (2007).
The abstract of this study summarises the key components and also the rationale for undertaking the research was clearly outlined, this is a credit to the researchers. Gerrish et al describes...