Critical Thinking

1. Describe a situation of public interest in which critical and/or creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations.  
A situation in which critical or creative thought could be used for a better outcome is with air pollution specifically within city areas. Of the top ten ranked in 2014, California has cities that take up six of those this spot ("", 2014). When this situation first came to light, blame was tossed around everywhere from car pollution to government conspiracy. Truth is that there is no one individual person or thing to blame; rather the possible causes of this problem lay from individual groups to entire societies. If critical and creative thinking is used effectively to address this situation, it will help to see the whole problem, cause and effect.
Critical thinking also allows better understanding of other points of views. It gives a better strategy in dealing with the problem. Instead it looks like the situation is used as an excuse to make money. As with most public situations like this, it was a very hard lesson learned. Now that the severity of the situation has come to light, better plans have been introduced and applied. The latest air quality facts found on the EPA (Environmental Pollution Agency) website database, show that air pollution has decreased in some areas but increased in others. This shows that change is possible and can be effective. In similar situation, applying critical thinking can help save time, money, enhance communication and encourage open-minded thinking.  
2. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. What role does each play in critically assessing situations?
Free will can be defined as the ability to make unconstrained choices without pressure from physical restraints or necessity. For a free will decision to be made, there would have to be no...