The role of initial assessment is to identify individual needs so that their learning needs can be planned for and support can be put into place.
This is a crucial part of the learners learning cycle as shown below.
The Learning Cycle
• Identification of learning needs
• Plan learning to meet needs
• Train in accordance with learning plan
• Monitor and review progress/evaluate training.
If part of this process is missed it can lead to underachievement and learners not fulfilling their true potential so leading to low self esteem.
Petty (4th edition) p530 talks about how “Education used to
be a sieve” . Poor teachers used to teach their courses with little consideration for initial and diagnostic assessment.
A huge culture change has since happened with initial assessment being seen as an important tool to place learners on the correct course.
Working in a small team within the training company I am involved in the initial assessment process. This consists
of a range of methods to gather the learners academic
levels, preferred learning style and discuss the learners past
experience and work based abilities.
Petty (4th edition pg 534) suggests this is a four part process
1. Plan : Decide what knowledge would help you to ensure your learners success and to teach them more effectively.
We promote this part with application forms that informs of qualifications, work experience, interests, prior learning and achievements. It can also inform us to whether the learner has attended other courses and what level they achieved.
2. Assess : Find this information out. You will need to develop ways of discovering what you need to know.
We gather information by conducting an interview that provides us to clarify that the information provided is correct. Using trade specific questions help to get an understanding of the...