Ctlls Scheme of Work

Draft planning for   Mandatory units

Session 1
Training cycle
Individual learner experiences (2.1)
previous learning experiences and achievements,
successful, formal, informal, cultural, social and linguistic background, hobbies,
interests; achievements: formal qualifications, experience gained through paid or
voluntary work, experience gained through hobbies, interests or work within the
home validity and reliability, currency, time and cost, requirements of potential
learning programme, including practical, technical, delivery and assessment
Theories of learning (2.2)
Bloom’s Taxonomy, Gardner’s Seven Intelligences, Kolb’s
Theory and Learning Cycles, Honey and Mumford, behaviourism, cognitive and
humanistic, motivation and experiential learning, group and individual learning

Session 2

Styles of learning individual/group   (2.2)
Styles of learning/individual: sensory preferences, tangible/abstract,
sequential/random, use of intelligences (eg linguistic, mathematical, visual),
learners support, debriefing and feedback, learner contracts, experiential,
health and safety factors, learners’ responsibility for organising their learning
Styles of learning/groups: small group, whole group, collaborative/partnership,
group dynamics, peer group support, experiential, health and safety and
environmental controls during learning through experience, effective group
management, support materials including ICT, debriefing and feedback,
equity/access to learning

Aims/Needs of learner   (2.2)
group/individual learning needs, learning styles, eg
visual, kin aesthetic, auditory, variety through activity, refection, theory,
planning and developing appropriate skills in learners, empowering learners
through negotiation and sharing needs, stimulating independent learning,
patterns of teacher/learner interaction and teaching methods to meet the needs
of individuals and groups, supporting learners while they deal with unfamiliar...