CU 2941: Use and develop systems that promote communication
1.1) Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed.
All groups and individuals communication needs are to be met. There are many groups and individuals that need to be communicated with every day. There are many ways to communicate with others. These include written, verbal, gestures, body language, sign language, tone of voice and items such as picture cards. Communication can be done on a group basis, such as staff meeting or resident and relative meetings. It can also take place on a one to one basis, such as appraisals (manager to one member of staff) or team leader to GP (regarding medication queries or service users illness).
All communication needs to be done in a professional and appropriate manner. All groups and individuals should be given the opportunity to have their say. All verbal communication should be clear and spoken in a way that is easy to understand, for example no slang words used. Many communications skills are needed to make sure that verbal communication has been understood. For example, listening to the feedback or response. Questions can be asked to make sure the information was understood.
Some communication needs are more complex, such as speaking to a service user that has dementia. In this situation clear and simple sentences need to used, and at times questions with a yes or no answer. The service user also needs to be given plenty of time to respond. Another complex need could be those with eye sight issues, as they may need to use touch to understand something. If a service user has a physical disability this can also effect communication. It may affect verbal communication if their facial muscles or vocal cords are affected. If their body movements are limited it may affect their non verbal communication.
All communication should be relevant and current to the person receiving it.