Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis
By: Jerry Goldman and Giel Stein

In the article entitled, “Cuban Missile Crisis”, Goldman and Stein refer to the Cuban Missile Crisis as not an event of one occurrence, however more of an event that “culminated of a longer process”.   They foretell the Crisis as such: An American spy plane oversees the production of four SS-4 Soviet nuclear weapons and the information obtained is immediately relayed back to President Kennedy. As Kennedy gets word of the development of nuclear weapons, he attends a summit with Premier Khrushchev in Vienna to discuss cold war confrontations between the east and west, in particular the situation in Berlin. The failure of the two leaders to resolve any of their differences during the summit led Khrushchev to view Kennedy as a weak president who lacked the power or support to negotiate any meaningful concessions in the arms race.
This article was set in three locations: Cuba, America, as well as the Vienna Summit. Locations did not affect the article very much because the locations, besides the fact that the locations America and Cuba are a mere ninety miles away from each other, had relatively no correlation to the Crisis in-and-of itself.
Goldman and Stein used very few symbols in the article, as there weren’t many that pertained to the Cold War itself. However, the symbol for the term “laying the groundwork” was used multiple times when referring to the present-day troubles with the USA/Russia mutual relationship.
The article “Cuban Missile Crisis” is seemingly intended for people of an older, more mature age and mindset for the fact that the authors believe that the reader has either, A) Lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis; or B) Studied the crisis for a decent amount of time, enough time to know what which leader said and/or did.

This article is trying to convey the message that this was not JFK’s fault at all and that this was not just an event sparked by a sight of the development of...