
It’s a Different World
By: Heather A Garcia
Ethic Relations and Multiculturalism
Professor Allen Farina

It’s a Different World

      In society today, biracial children of white appearance and the difficulties they experience. They have to deal with racism and racist talk by whites, rejection by blacks, the problems of 'passing' and feelings against their own family members. This is true of people that are Mexican American or people who are biracial as well. With feeling like they are Mexican enough for the Mexicans and not American enough for the Americans. There is rejection from both sides. They feel like they aren’t good enough for either side to accept their multiracial background.
      A look at the headlines shows America facing big problems in its multiple lines of color. We used to speak of racial profiling, for example, and think of black males being singled out. Since 9/11, we are just as likely to think of targeted Arabs or Muslims. The color line has been reduced as a barrier compared to lines of class and economic opportunity.   In some neighborhoods, blacks, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and immigrants of all colors work together for limited resources. Just as often today, they compete for those same resources. But the optimist sees problems as opportunities in disguise. When I look at other countries today, watching the riots in France and Greece and ethnic violence elsewhere, I marvel at how comfortable Americans have learned to be with our diversity, despite our differences.


Du Bois and the Question of the Color Line: Race and Class in the Age of Globalization. (2011, April 19)