DLLS 202: Curriculum Development for Inclusive Practice
MARCH 2010
Curriculum Design for inclusive practice is central to effective learning and teaching
This essay will focus on unpacking the above statement, critically analysing the concepts of:
• Curriculum design – looking at both the formal and informal (or hidden) elements of curriculum and learners’ own psychological expectations of what their learning experience will do for them
• Inclusive practice – and how I ensure that teaching is personalised to each individual learner. My definition and experience of inclusive practice is, in turn, linked to my own cultural context of learning
• Effective practice – and the impact that a broad range of stakeholders – each with different expectations in terms of the ‘outcomes’ of teaching – has on what ‘defines’ effective practice. For me, teaching is all about the positive experience for the learner – but nonetheless, the influence of stakeholders (including the LSC, DIUS, the College Board and many others) can not be ignored
I shall begin this essay by setting out the definition of curriculum which aligns most closely to what curriculum means to me. Its roots lie in the running and chariot tracks of Greece and was literally a course. In Latin, curriculum was a racing chariot, currere was to run. There are numerous definitions of curriculum, and the concept has evolved over the years, influenced by the political, economic and social environment at the time.
John Kerr offers the following definition of curriculum:
‘all the learning which is carried out in groups or individually, inside or outside the school’ (quoted in Kelly 1883,10).
From my experience, both as a pupil within the educational establishment and as a teacher, this is the definition which aligns most closely with my own first hand experience. I see curriculum more than just the scheme of work or the set syllabus by the awarding body. It’s about...