Cyp Core 3.1 1.2

The sequence of development is a definite order of milestones that children and young people meet and accomplish. Developments in social and emotional, physical, intellectual and communication begin from birth and continue into adolescents and it’s within these areas that a sequence is formed. This is particularly true when it comes to physical development, for example a baby will learn to hold their head up before learning to sit unaided or a child will learn to walk before they can run.
Sequences of development are typical in all children but what can change between each individual child is the rate at which they develop. The rate of development is the speed at which a child takes to accomplish each milestone in their development, for example one child could learn to walk at 11 months whereas another could achieve walking at 14 months.

It’s also interesting, when looking at an individual child’s development, to observe the way that they may have different rates of development in different areas, for example a baby at 1 year may not be walking, but may have already started to say a few words.

It is important when working with children and young people to note the sequence and the rate of their individual development in each different area. Sequence is needed in order to plan effectively for them. Looking at the rate of development is also essential to check whether each child’s rate of development is not typical for their age group and needs further investigation or support.