
CYP 3.1 Understand child and young person development
      1.1 Create a development booklet which explains the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 yrs

Age | Physical Development | Cognitive Development | Communication and Language | Social, Emotional and Personal Development |
0-1 years | Babies turn their head towards sounds and movement’s .They like to watch the face of adult at feeding time | Babies stop crying when hear familiar voiceStart notice mobiles, exploring toys with their hands and mouth, Start recognizing routines of the day | They start to Coo, smile, bubbling , start lifting their arms to be picked up, pointing to an objects using their fingers | Show close contact to the main cares, Enjoy bath time, Smiles of delight when playing with the main carer, Show anxiety if stranger approaches |
1-3   years | Standing up, sitting and pushing off with legs on ride on toys, running, climbing, | Enjoy pop-up toys, playing with building bricks, puzzles, pretend play, | Start to use more recognizable words, connecting two words together such as “daddy-gone”, “Oh Dear” etc., Speech become really understood | Interest of other children, Parallel playing next to or alongside other children, showing anger and frustration if they can’t get what they want Throwing tantrums |
3-5 years | Skilful use of hands, They try to walk on tiptoe, walk up and down stairs. They jump with feet together. They will hop. As they grow they will ride bicycle. They climb confidently. They write | Become concentrated in activities | Asking questions and enjoy talking | Cooperatively playing with other children, respond well to praise and recognition |
5-6 years | Ability to kick and control a ball, Fine motor skill are increased and handwriting is more legible | Counting and simple calculations, reading | Beginning to decade some familiar words | Making friendships |
7-9 years | Drawing and writing are neater | Reading book silently |...