Children Act (2004)
This Act identifies five outcomes for all children. Every child has the right to:
Be healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic well-being
The Act requires for all children to be treated as individuals and to recognise that they are all are different. No two children are the same and so therefore should not be treated the same. They are all unique and all have many different personalities and they have the right to feel valued and be involved as an important part of the group. All religions, ethnic groups, and races will be treated and respected individually.
Childcare Act (2006)
This Act introduces the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England. The EYFS is a set of standards that must be met to ensure your child learns and develops well while also being kept healthy, safe and happy.
It seeks to provide a secure foundation through learning and development while all the time ensuring your child is being treated as an individual and they’re individual needs are all being met. This will require regular assessments and reviews.
It involves a close working relationship between parents and/or carers and care providers.
It includes an anti-discriminatory practice which will make sure that every child is included and their requirements are being met and supported.
The EYFS has specific requirements for learning and development. These must cover:
The early learning goals that we must help children work towards to make sure they have achieved the required skill set by the end of the academic year in which they turn 5 (the end of Year R)
Specific activities and experiences to help them achieve they’re early years goals
Continual assessments to make sure they’re early years goals are being met. These assessments will be reported back to parents and/or carers.
There are also specific requirements which must be maintained regarding the...