As Parents I would like you to provide you with the following up-to-date legislation impacting on home-based childcare to ensure that your children are provided with the best care possible whilst with me. The two most important pieces of legislation covering home-based childcare are the Children Act (2004) and the Childminding and Daycare (wales) Regulations (2010).
The Children Act (2004)
Arose from the green paper ‘Every Child Matters’ and identifies five outcomes for all children:
• Be healthy
• Be safe
• Enjoy and achieve
• Make a positive contribution
• Achieve economic well-being
The Childminding and Daycare (Wales) Regulations (2010)
These Regulations set out both the arrangements for inspections of those providing child minding and day care and also the information which the Welsh Ministers must provide to a local authority when certain steps are taken.
Regulation 2 confers the function of organising inspections of child minding and day care settings on the Welsh Ministers and Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales (“Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector”). A report must be prepared after each inspection. The report must be sent to the registered person. In the case of an inspection by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector the report must be sent to the Welsh Ministers where the Welsh Ministers request.
Inspection reports of day care provision must be published. Inspection reports of child minding may be provided either to parents of minded to children, to parents who are prospective clients or to the local authority for the area in question.
Regulation 3 requires the Welsh Ministers to provide certain information about a child minder or day care provider to a local authority when they propose to grant an application for registration.
Other legislations of relevance to you are:-
The Education Act (1997) – This act has incorporated all Acts since 1944 into one. It has set a time frame on the legal process that identifies and assesses...