6216 Data Warehousing & Data Mining
Academic Year 2014/15
* Assignment 1 : Data Warehousing
Hand out date: Monday 6 October 2014
Draft submission deadline: Thursday 6th November 2014 (any time)
Final submission deadline: Friday 14th November 2014 (any time)
*We understand that Distance Learning students can have problems with sudden demands at work. Contact the tutors if necessary.
Submission format: Electronically via Blackboard.
1.1 Learning Outcomes
This assignment assesses your ability to:
LO1. Describe and critically evaluate the role and relevance of data warehousing and analytical investigation to the solution of business information problems.
LO2. Explain the concepts that underpin the subject area of data warehousing, making reference to main established concepts and some developing areas.
LO3. Apply concepts and justify decisions when modelling, designing and constructing practical examples ... of applications in this area.
Because APPLYING the concepts actually shows best whether you have understood them, LO3 will be weighted double in the assessments below. If you spend four weeks on this assignment, spend one week on LO1, one week on LO2 and two weeks on L03.
1.2 Assessment Weighting
This is the first coursework assignment for this module and consists of an individual piece of work that contributes 25% to the final marks of this module.
Task requirements
Using a dataset provided by the tutor (alternatively: using a dataset agreed to by the tutor)
DW 1. Design, implement, populate and document a Star or a Cube of your...