Day Surgery Course

This assessment will be in the form of a critical reflective account, demonstrating competency in pre-assessing the patient suitability for day surgery and discharging day surgical patient. discroll’s model of structured reflection will be used, the hospital’s name will not be mentioned and the patient`s name has been changed to John respecting patient confidentiality according to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2008. John was a 40 year old man and he worked as a lorry driver.   He was referred by his general practioner (GP).   He had episodes of acute onset pain due to cholecystitis.   The issues to be discussed in depth will be obesity and smoking prior and after surgery.
Pre-operative assessment establishes that the patient is fully informed and wishes to undergo the procedure.   It ensures that the patient is fit for the surgery and anaesthetic.   It minimises the risk of late cancellations by ensuring that all essential resources and discharge requirements are identified and coordinated (NHS Modernisation Agency, 2003). My aim was to provide a standardised high quality of care and accurate assessment of the patient. Fitness for anaesthetic is vital in day surgery to be successful and uncomplicated. I will be presenting a laparoscopic cholecystectomy utilising the evidence available from the literature.   Before I called John in the pre-assessment room, I read through his notes which confirmed that he has been suffering from cholecystitis.   Both GP and surgeon felt that he would benefit from having his gall bladder removed. John was call into the room and was made comfortable and he appeared friendly and relaxed.

now What

Pre-assessment aims to minimise patient risk by assessing fitness for surgery, I explained to John the procedure of the assessment and I provided information to facilitate informed choice, which reduced his anxiety about hospital admission. I also obtained consent from him.   John confirmed that he smokes 40 cigarettes a day and...