Dd101 Tma02

Tma 02. Essay Plan.

    • Introduction quote rubbish amount per year

    • Mass consumption and supermarkets and higher standards of living

    • Higher wages, people can spend more

    • Environmental effects

    • Recycling items by giving away

    • Emma Maersk

    • Conclusion

Explore the claim that a consumer society is always a “throw-away” society.

In the UK 6.7 million tonnes of food (including fresh fruit, vegetables, bakery items, fish and meat meals) is thrown away each year. It is reported that 61% of food thrown away (amounting to £420 per year per household) is wasted unnecessarily. (Brown, 2009, Pg 106)
This could be reduced or avoided if every household brought about better food management and only bought food in which they would consume and only cook enough food to be eaten without wasting any. Though food waste is only one part off overall household rubbish. During 2008 nearly 30 million tonnes of rubbish was threw away but UK households. (Brown, 2009, Pg 107)
Overall household waste has increased by 28% from 397kg per person in the year 1983/84 to 508kg per person in the year 2006/07. (Brown, 2009, Pg 107) So in just over twenty years rubbish per person has risen by a quarter.
In the UK rubbish land-fill sites are nearly full and if councils choose to incinerate waste it will lead to more pollution in the environment. Even though more households are increasing the amount they recycle, household rubbish only makes up 7% of the total UK waste. (Staples et al, 2009, Pg24)

Household rubbish has increased due to a number of factors. One of these factors is due to the growth off mass consumption. Shopping and consumption have become an increasing part of today’s social life. When looking at supermarkets of today compared to the past we can see a big difference. Today’s supermarkets have a wide variety and extensive range off food from all over the world allowing people to constantly try new...