
Essay Plan.

Question: Explore the claim that the consumer society is characterised by freedom of choice.

Useful definitions:

Explore – To look into closely, scrutinise.
Claim – to assert or maintain as a fact.
Consumer society – A community in which the buying and selling of goods and services is the most important social and economic activity.
Characterised – to attribute character to.
Freedom of choice - Right to exercise one's freedoms in any manner one may choose except where such act may obstruct or prevent others from exercising their freedoms, put oneself or others in danger, or exceeds a statutory limit.

Definitions from Dictionary.com (2010)

Main Point 1: Main Point 2:
Social divisions are being created depending on what people do and do not own and that consumption is a means of defining status within society. The introduction of UK department stores in the early 1880’s contributed to contemporary consumer society and freedom of choice.
Evidence 1: Evidence 1:
The theories and studies of Zygmunt Bauman.
Seduced and Repressed.
Explain theory, debate, and reflect. Explore the quote from Lady Jeune.
Explain, debate and reflect.

Evidence 2:
The study by Thorstein Veblen.
Conspicuous Consumption.
Explain theory, debate and reflect

Word Count 195

Explore the claim that consumer society is characterised by freedom of choice.

This essay will attempt to explore the claim that Consumer Society is characterised by freedom of choice. It will look at 2 main points. Firstly this assignment will look into the divisions which can be made by living in a consumer society created depending on what people do and do not own and that consumption is a means of defining status within society.   It will concentrate on looking into how Social divisions are being created, the choices that are available and what characterises a consumer society.   Secondly it will look into the claim that the introduction of UK...