Unit code DEM 301
Unit reference number J/601/3538
1. Describe a range of causes of dementia
Dementia is a extensive term used to illustrate a range of signs and symptoms that involve a progressive decline in an individual's mental abilities. Dementia is degenerative and progressive as more brain cells are damaged or die.
It's easier to imagine dementia as an umbrella for a range of diseases that are affecting individuals's memory, behaviour and their motor skills.The causes of dementia depend on the disease.
Alzheimer's disease is a most common cause of dementia. There are significant changes in the structure of a brain affected by Alzheimer's disease.
These include: a general loss of brain cells, significant shrinkage in the brain tissue and neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques (Tribal Education 2012)
Vascular dementia is another frequent form of dementia. It happens when brain is deprived of oxygen. If some of the vessels are blocked the brain is starved of oxygen which leads to the death of brain cells. All these leads to dementia.
The main reason for vascular dementia is a stroke. The symptoms of vascular dementia will be different depending on the affected area by stroke.
Pick's disease is a less common form of dementia, it is a significant cause of dementia in people under the age of 65. Patients with Pick's initially exhibit marked personality and behavioral changes, before a decline in the ability to speak coherently.Pick's disease or FTD is the result of a build-up of protein in the affected areas of the brain. The accumulation of abnormal brain cells, known as Pick bodies or Pick cells, eventually leads to changes in character, socially inappropriate behavior, and poor decision making, progressing to a severe impairment in intellect, memory, and speech.
Pick's disease usually strikes adults between the ages of 40 and 60, and is slightly more common in women than...