Demonstrative Communication Paper

Demonstrative Communication Paper
Arnold D. Pubaugh
April 14, 2014
Kelsey Grammar

What is Demonstrative Communication?

Demonstrative Communication is Non-verbal and unwritten communication. Some of the “cues” of Demonstrative Communication would be body language, facial expressions and the tone of a person’s voice.  

Body Language

There are many ways non-verbal communication are portrayed through Body Language. According Communicating in the Workplace Kinesics refers to the many behaviors of the body: postures, gestures, body orientation, and facial expressions. (Cheesboro, 2010).

Posture, through the way people walk, stand or sit, can communicate much about the person. A person walking to a podium, head straight, back strait with a determined step could convey an attitude of leadership. If a person is sitting and slouching to one side, while talking with someone, could be construed as “disinterested” in the conversation. However if the person leans forward in the chair and places their elbows on their knees could show they are interest in the conversation.

Say you are talking to a person and they are crossing their arms. What posturing message would that send to you? Are they feeling defensive about the conversation? It is quite possible that is the case according to Kinesics.

Gestures are the movement or positioning of the arm, hand, body or head that can portray thoughts or emotions and is a form of non-verbal communication. Everyone in the United States knows what “Flipping the Bird” is or the extension of the middle finger. All Americans know the hand gesture for hitchhiking with the thumb extended and the fingers enclosed into the palm. A shake of the head up and down could mean acknowledgement or “yes” while shaking the head to the left and right a couple of times means “No”.

Body Orientation is another mode of Demonstrative Communication among body language. As an example, if someone is behind you and asks you a...

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