Dependancy and Underdevelopment in Third World

The most persuasive theory of development is the Orthodox Marxism theory.
The Orthodox Marxism theory basically helps to describe, explain and predict development and economic growth of any country in the world as outlined in the works of Marxists found in the “Capitalist and Communist Manifesto” whereby they argue that development occurs and attains its peak of development and economic growth in society where the social and economic level was at the communist stage characterized by every person in society is rewarded according to their needs.
Karl Marx states that the society will always move forward because of the conflicts that emerge in one stage of development in a society. For example one state of affair (thesis) produces its own anti-thesis hence each stage in society produces their own conflicts and contributes to solve the conflict hence contributing the solution to the conflict. These theses are based on the production process in society producing the substructure of society. In the process of development the society undergoes the four stages or modes of production..
The first stage of development is the primitive mode of production. This is the original form. Land is the only means of production and people in the primitive society relates to land in a similar way because they all depend on land for their living. Hunting and gathering is their main major means of survival.
The second stage is the Feudal mode of production or Feudalism. The social differentiation in the entire society begins to be appearing and be realized. The society becomes differenced into the feudal lords and the slaves. Gradually dominant class of the population begins to appear with claims of superiority rights over the tracks of lands, therefore the society becomes divided into two hierarchical the ownership rights to own the land and those who don’t have the ownership rights over the land. The means of production is basically land and the relations of production...