Who Am I Presentation Peer Evaluation
|Name of student you are evaluating: SHERLY THOMAS |
|Criteria |Possible |Points |Comments |
| |Points |Earned | |
|Content: |50 |49 |The content of the presentation was |
|Was the content of the presentation consistent, appropriate, high levels | | |consistent, appropriate, with integrity and |
|of integrity, detail rich & specific? | | |sufficient details. |
|Organization: |10 |9 |It was well organized with clean and clear |
|Was the organization clean with clear ideas and arranged logically, | | |ideas and arranged very logically with smooth|
|transitions smooth, consistent flow in logic? | | |transition and consistent flow. |
|Design: |15 |15 |Very well formatted with strong visual |
|Was the presentation formatted well, with strong visual impact, design, &| | |impact, appropriate pictures and design. |
|format? | | |...