University of Phoenix
Organizational Leadership LDR/531
Determining Your Perfect Position Paper
In this assignment we are assuming that our current company is in the process of expanding and restructuring, given us the opportunity of a lifetime of choosing the perfect position ourselves. This is very important and satisfactory because by choosing ourselves we are allowed to choose a role in the company were our skills, knowledge, leadership skills and talents can be put to the work at maximum level. Here I will explain my ideal position, benefits, weakness and treats this position may have.
In my company I would choose the position of human resources director. I choose this position because it allows me to interact with all the employees of the company. Also will allow me to gain their thrust, so that I can ensure that in case of any problem or emergency they will be confident of talking to me. I think I have all the knowledge and the empathy necessary for this job. I love talking to people and getting to know them, in case of the decision making I have a strong character that will allow me to keep a nice and cool judgment thought the process.
The benefits for a human resources director are endless. For this position you get to deal and know with people from different places around your town, country and in some cases from around the world. Another benefit is the ability of ensuring that the company hires the best people for the vacant spaces and that the employees receive their benefits as stipulated.
For me on of the most important benefits of this position are using my leadership skills to train and educate my workers, so they will feel happy in their workspace. I consider myself to posses’ Charismatic style of Leadership. This style According to "Leadership Styles" (2012) is defined as transformational leadership because these leaders inspire enthusiasm in their teams and are energetic in motivating others to...