
6a – Compare the development progress made by the three East African since 1990 (12 marks)
For all three countries, population growth is falling and birth rate is also falling. However, the three East African countries have attempted to socially develop their localities. The life expectancy within Uganda has increased 47 to 54. In addition, the maternal motility per 100,000 births has decreased from 670 to 430. Uganda has had significantly larger social development progress compared to Kenya because it has been on target with many of the Millennium Goals that it has been set. For example, it is on target with reversing the spread of HIV meaning people can live longer, thus leading to increased life expectancy. Also, it has been able to halve the population of people without access to safe drinking water, meaning that less people will suffer from waterborne diseases such as cholera, increasing life expectancy. Furthermore, if less people in Uganda are being diagnosed with diseases such as HIV and cholera, they can maintain a decent standard of education to then excel into more skill-based jobs for example in the medical sector, improving healthcare and treatment, allowing people to live longer, and significantly reduce the chance of maternal mortality during birth. On the other hand, Kenya has opposed Uganda’s progress.   Its life expectancy has decreased from 59 to 57 and its ratio of maternal mortality per 100,000 has increased from 380 to 530. In the year 2008, 80% of Kenyan land was under drought, which leads to 100% of crops being lost. This caused stress within the development of medicine, as malnutrition was a major issue, meaning that qualified doctors didn’t have the ability to go to work. Also, many sources of water dried out, which lead to survival in itself being difficult.
Political issues amongst a region have also lead to changes in its development.   Tanzania has had the least corrupt government. This correlates with its major social development...