Complete the matrix by listing out the various changes in each age group.
|Developmental Stage |Physical changes |Cognitive changes |Socioemotional changes |
|Infancy |At this stage, the nervous system is not fully |Infants at first, rely only on nature for their |Infants rely on their caregivers, because they feel |
| |developed and organized. |instincts, they have involuntary actions, because |that their caregiver knows when they are hungry, |
| |Infants can see plain objects that are only 10 inches|they are still developing. As they grow, they learn |sleepy or uncomfortable. They believe that their |
| |far from their face until the age of 6 months when |to get a sense of what they want to do, and how they |caregivers will know when to hold them and comfort |
| |their vision will become fully developed. |want to accomplish doing so. |them. |
| | | |Infants will cry because they may be hungry, scared |
| | | |or they want to simply be held. |
|Early Childhood |Children stop growing so rapidly, and begin to |Children now learn how to interact with the people |Early childhood begins as young as 1 years old in |
| |resemble young adults more....