Devry Cis 115 Week 1 Exercise

DEVRY CIS 115 Week 1 Exercise

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This activity will assist you in the understanding of how output should appear after
statements are executed (results) and how to write proper pseudocode.
1. Show the result of each pseudocode program.
2. Also rewrite the pseudocode statements using Assignment statements.
When completed compile the following documents together neatly in 1 & 2 order:
1) This instruction sheet first
2) Your answer sheet, second
Point distribution for this activity:
Pseudocode Activity
Points possible:
Points received
Problem #1

Problem #2
Problem #3
Total Points
Problem #1:
The variable X starts with the value 0.
The variable Y starts with the value 5.
Add 1 to X.
Add 1 to Y.
Add X and Y, and store the result in Y.
Display the value in Y on the screen.
Output #1:
Pseudocode #1:
Problem #2:
The variable J starts with the value 10.
The variable K starts with the value 2.
The variable L starts with the value 4.
Store the value of J times K in J.
Store the value of K times L in L.
Add J and L, and store the result in K.
Display the value in K on the screen.
Output #2:
Pseudocode #2:
Problem #3:
The variable A starts with the value 1.
The variable B starts with the value 10.
The variable C starts with the value 100.
The variable X starts with the value 0.
Store the value of C times 3 in X.
Add the value of B times 6 to the value already in X.
Add the value of A times 5 to the value already in X.
Display the value in X on the screen.

Output #3:
Pseudocode #3: