Devry Comp 220 Entire Course

Arrays Lab Report and Source Code

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BlackJack Table
Specification: Include a brief description of what the program accomplishes, including its
input, key processes, and output.
There is always a dealer in the game. At the start of the game, the dealer’s first card will not
be shown or displayed. The second card will be displayed. The dealer may
draw additional cards. The dealer must use a random-number generator to determine the
maximum number of cards the dealer will draw--a value between 0 and 3.
In other words, the dealer is a computer player. The dealer does not show all the cards or
the total until all the players have either gone bust (over 21) or hold (no more
cards drawn). There must be at least one other player (you) and up to a maximum of four
other players (all played by you).
. On a player’s turn, that player may either draw a card or hold. Once a player holds, he or
she should not be asked to draw another card during this game.
All the cards for each player, including the first card dealt, are displayed, along with the suit
symbol: spades ♠, clubs ♣, hearts ♥, or diamonds ♦. Each game will start
with a new, 52-card deck, which is modeled on a real deck of cards.
. The card deck has 52 cards with no jokers.

The card deck is represented by a two-dimensional array of data-type character, where the
first dimension represents the suit and the second dimension represents
the card in the suit, such as the following. i. char CardDeck[4][13]; At the start of each
game, each element of the two-dimensional array is initialized to a value of " ", or
the "space" character. The deck has four suits, represented by the following dimension
i. ii. iii. Each suit has 13 cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 ,10, jack, queen, king, and ace....