
Dietary Requirements
Most Hindus do not eat meat and none eat beef since the cow is sacred to them. No meat, poultry or fish, no eggs, but milk products are allowed and encouraged.
For most Christians, eating habits are not affected though some will be vegetarians, and some will refrain from eating meat on Fridays.
The Sikhs do not have many strict rules regarding food but many are vegetarians.
Strict Buddhists are vegetarians and their dishes vary since many live in India and China, where available foods will be different.
Jewish dietary laws are known as Kashrut. Eat only Koshar food, Kosher means all foods that are prepared according to jewish laws for consumption.
· Beef, lamb, Poultry and fish (prepared by jewish laws)
· Refrain from eating meat and dairy products at the same meal
· No pork, and shellfish
· If meat was eaten in the same day, one must wait six hours before consuming any dairy products
This religion has various food restrictions according to there own dietary laws, which are Halaal, meaning lawful or permitted. Muslims avoid food and beverages that are Haram, meaning not permitted.
Halaal food
· Rice
· Pasta
· Seafood
· Meat/Poultary slaughtered according to islamic dietary laws
Haram Food
· Pork and pork products, e.g. bacon, deli meats, ham and sausage
· Desserts made with gelatin
· Meat and poultry not slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law
Rastafarians have an I-tal diet, meaning a natural and clean diet. They eat lots of vegetables and fruits, fish less than twelve inches long and they also drink anything herbal e.g. herbal tea. They however, do not consume pork or alcohol, they avoid salt in their food and many early Rastafarians did not eat meat.

CU1535 5.1
The statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) says that where Early Years settings give children meals, snacks and drinks, these must be healthy balanced...