Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication


Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication
Jorge Posada
Diversity Issues in Communication
March 16, 2005

Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication
      All human beings create culture.   Culture is a pattern of ways of responding to basic needs: food, shelter, clothing, family organization, religion, government, and social structures.   According to Webster’s Dictionary, culture is defined as "the ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc. of a people or group that are transferred, communicated or passed along to succeeding generations." When crossing international boundaries, cultural boundaries are crossed as well. What may have been the norm for one may not be the norm to another, especially when it comes to the cultures of foreign lands.   Cultural norms often are so strongly ingrained in an individual's daily life that the individual may be unaware of certain behaviors. Until these behaviors are seen in the context of a different culture with different values and beliefs, the individual may have difficulty recognizing and changing them.
      My indoctrination into culture began in North Carolina for me.   I was born in Columbia, South Carolina, but lived my childhood and teen years in the coastal flatlands of Southeastern North Carolina. The basis of my values was formed here.   The county I grew up in was tri-racial, consisting of whites, blacks, and Native Americans (Lumbee Indians). I remember growing up as a child; you could leave home with your front door wide open without fear of being burglarized. A big part of my culture was that you respected your elders.   You said yes sir, no sir; yes ma’am, no ma’am.   You did as told, and you didn’t talk back.   No matter where I went in the world, I was always able to find some semblance of that.   Looking back, it was more so prevalent in societies that didn’t have abundant access to the modern world of MTV, and VH-1, or HBO and...