Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate)
Observed by your assessor
Personal Statement
Seen by witness
Self reflective account
NB Your assessor may wish to ask you some questions relating to this activity. Ensure they are recorded in the appropriate box at the end of this document. The person who observed/witnessed your activity must sign where indicated.
|Links to | |Date/Time |
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|Unit |Learning |Performance evidence |
|No |Outcome | |
| |/Criteria | |
| |1.1 | Today carers are adopting outcomes-based practice methods to achieve desired residet care goals. |
| | |Outcomes-based practice (sometimes called outcomes management) involves a combination of teamwork, |
| | |continuous quality improvement, and process and outcome measurement Outcome based care is about putting the|
| | |person at the centre of the care service, and not prescribing a standard service to everyone. It is about |
| | |delivering meaningful outcomes to every individual and helping people to lead more fulfilling lives. |
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