Distinctively Visual

A composer creates ‘distinctive visuals’ in their text, in order to represent their own values and ideas, to what extent is this true of your prescribed text, and at least one other text of your own choosing?
Distinctive visuals allow an audience to view and imagine certain images that the composer creates. From these distinctive visuals, the audience’s perceptions force them to respond in a particular way. In The Shoe Horn Sonata John Misto illustrates the heroism of women to survive in the P.O.W camps, and criticises the government who could have avoided their traumatic experiences. In The Truman Show, Peter Weir communicates his values and ideas through media illusions. He addresses ethical issues concerning the medias right to control an individual’s life.
In the Shoe Horn Sonata, John Misto effectively presents the everlasting impact of war, and the eternal brandishing of internal scars by the survivors. This issue is evident as Sheila reveals her secret “Oh Lipstick Larry knew what I wanted. ‘Nice girl’, he said. I was skin and bone by then but – there was prestige for a Jap if a white girl went off with him”. This creates an image in the reader’s mind, which is ‘sickly’ and can be imagined seen as a skinny, vulnerable girl who is being tortured by a Japanese soldier. Sheila’s comment juxtaposes to Bridie’s comment “sleeping with a jap? I’d never have done that- not for anyone”. As Sheila had done this to save Bridie’s life, the audience is left questioning themselves on the extent they would go to save their friend. By conveying these images into the responder’s thoughts, Misto compels the reader to see the strong efforts of the women to survive trauma and hardship.
Throughout the play, we see the resilience, strength and determination to survive in the P.O.W camps. During the play, the audience is left imagining the extraordinary nature of human beings and their ability to overcome hardships and stay together through relationships and bonds. In Act one,...