Dna Seq

DNA Sequencing through Nano-pores
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes genetic instructions used in functioning and development of all known living organisms. Understanding the data in the DNA gives insight on many issues in the scientific community. Methods are still being researched that will increase the efficiency and cost of decoding DNA. This paper will discuss the method of decoding DNA through the use of Nano-pores.

DNA molecules are a double-stranded helices, consisting of two biopolymers and nucleotides. With each nucleotide composed of a nucleobase (Guanine, Adenine, Thymine, and Cytosine), recorded as letters G, A, T, C.   The biopolymers run opposite directions with one in the 3’ direction and the other in the 5’ direction.
In 1952, DNA was confirmed to have a role in inheriting traits. Since then scientists have been trying to find ways to interpret the data from nucleobases into correlation about traits that will be observable in a being. Cost of sequencing the entire Human Genome has gone down faster than Moore’s law would predict as seen in Fig1. The value of the data in DNA improves as the database of DNA genomes grows. New methods for sequencing DNA have greatly cut the cost of sequencing the human genome. One of the newer methods uses Nano-pores.

Fig1. Log scale of cost per genome mapped against Moore’s Law

  II. Nano-Pore

A new method to try and sequence DNA is called the Nano-pore method. Nano-pore provide single-molecule detection and analytical capabilities that are achieved by electropheoretically (migration of charged particles under the influence of an applied electric field) driving molecules in a solution through a nano-scale pore. The nano-pore provides a highly confined space within which a single nucleic acid polymers can be analyzed [1]. This narrow pore ensures that the native order of the DNA is correlated with the readings. The type of nucleobase is detected by...