
Which domain/element of DOTMLPF drives change the most in the military/Army and explain why/how?

      Capabilities-based approach (CBA) is the current process by which the military is taking a vision and ultimately converts it to solution for the combat capability.   At the joint level, this process is called the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS).   JCIDS identifies capability gaps and potential materiel and non-materiel solutions within the domains of DOTMLPF.   DOTMLPF is a joint term and analysis methodology that originated in the Army.   DOTMLPF stands for: Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and education, Personnel and Facilities. Doctrine describes the way we fight. Organization deals with how we organize ourselves to fight effectively. Training describes how we prepare to fight tactically while materiel encompasses all the “stuff: necessary to equip the forces. Leadership and education depicts how we prepare our leaders to lead the fight from the squad leader to 4-star general. Personnel assure the availability of qualified people for peacetime, wartime, and various contingency operations and facilities describe installations and industrial facilities that support our forces.(1)
I will argue that the Doctrine domain in the DOTMLPF is the element that drives change the most in the military. Doctrine is very important to the United States Army.   It summarizes both how the Army defines its role in the world and how it accomplishes that role on the battlefield.

“Doctrine drives decisions on how the Army should be organized (large heavy divisions or small military transition teams to embed in local security forces), what missions it should train to
accomplish (conventional combat or counterinsurgency, or some balance between those two kinds of warfare), and what equipment it needs (heavy tanks supported by unarmored trucks for a conventional battlefield with front lines, or light armored vehicles to fight an...