Dream Analysis: Wish-Fulfillment Theory Comparison Example
Day 6: 11/11/11
Time to sleep: pm-
Time woke up: am
Total hours slept: _ hours
Comments: I was kind of worried about my classmate that I had seen in front of my house.
Brief summary of the day: After school and work, my boyfriend and I went out to eat. After that, while in front of my house, I saw a friend of mine from school. We don’t really talk a lot but I was kind of concerned for him. He was pacing back and forth and had his hands on his head. Something was obviously wrong with him but I couldn’t tell what it was. As I approached him, I had asked him is everything okay. He looked up at me for a brief second, then nodded and said yes im fine. Knowing that wasn’t the case, I suggested that if he needed anything, I would be there for him. He just kept his head down, got in a car that was waiting on him, and left.
** “Blurry Vision” Dream 2 - Day 6**
In this dream I was the participant. I was standing in the middle of the hallway of the Brookside Campus building. It was night time but the school was still open. No one was there but me-so I thought. I could only see straight down the hallway and everything else from my peripheral vision. My vision had been altered to the point where everything was blurry. Then suddenly, I could see someone running towards me but I didn’t know who the person was. The mood was almost confusing because of my altered vision. But I was able to recognize my location, time of day, and that someone was running to me. When the person got close enough I could see who he was-it was my classmate that I had seen that night! He then stopped running about a foot in front of me and everything in my view was still blurry-except him. He stared at me for a brief second, then said, “Thank you, _________” Then I woke up.
Dreams as Wish-Fulfillment
In the wish-fulfillment theory, Freud believes that every dream has an underlined meaning. This underlined...