Drivers Ed Module 9 and 10 Review

Critical Vehicle Systems

In one or more complete sentences, explain about vehicle maintenance and vehicle safety. Vehicle maintenance is vital to the vehicles life-span, and also helps provide a safer, smoother, drive.

Which mechanical part or feature listed in the section on Critical Vehicle Systems do you think is most important? I believe the seat belt is one of the most important parts of a car.
Why is that particular part or feature so important? The seat belt holds the person in place in case of a collision or an accident.
How do you benefit from that part or feature? If I were to get into an accident, I would know that the seat belt would keep me from getting thrown out of the car.

Sharing the Road with Others

Stops and Starts: Reflect on the Sharing the Road with Others module and on the entire course. Explain the following completely:

Stops: Using the information learned in this course, explain three things you will not do when driving.
A. I will NEVER drink and drive under any circumstances.
B. My phone is awesome, but texting while driving is a big no, and I will never be doing so.
C. I won't try to show off to my friends while driving, I am putting myself and others in danger when I do so.

Explain why you will not do these things when driving. Because it is simply unsafe, and against the law. I will try my best to always follow the laws of the road at all times while driving.

Starts: Using the information learned in this course, explain three things you will do when driving.
A. I will always be cautious of road conditions and signs.
B. I will drive the correct speed limit.
Explain why you will do these particular things when driving.
Explain one thing you will stop doing as a passenger.
Explain one thing you will start doing as a passenger.