Drug Use and Delinquency Response

Drug Use and Delinquency Response
Joann Ferrell
July 24, 2015
Farrell Binder

Drug Use and Delinquency Response
The text for this week explains a number of reason for youth involvement in drugs. Social disorganization include low self- esteem and the pressure of stress in everyday living. If a child is bring raised in a family that the child views are not valued this could create the condition of using drug to ease the pain. Following these same line the family could have a big factor in drug abuse. In many families, there’s either a family member who is using drugs, or someone is selling drugs to make end meet. A parent that is using and may have a child who sells the drug that the parent is using, it is very likely the two feed off each other to remain sick. Rational choice would be justify the use of the drugs, for example, my friends are doing it why not me. Problem behavior is another fact where the teen could get into drug abuse, trying to fix in with the wrong crowd. It is during this time the most important people in a child’s life would be their friends. Any advice or view of life the friends would have the upper hand. Parents at this time in the teen’s mind are not worth looking in because the parent is viewed as not understand. The relationship between drug use and delinquency is rather simple. Any drug use by the youth would result if caught would be delinquency. Using drugs are against the law and drinking is legal in most states is not allow until 21, so any youth under that age would be breaking the law.
According to NCJRS, “Substance abuse is also associated with violent and income-generating crime by youth, which increases community residents’ level of fear and the demand for juvenile and criminal justice services, thereby further increasing the burden on these resources. Gangs, drug trafficking, prostitution, and youth homicides are other related social and criminal justice problems often linked to adolescent substance abuse.”...