Managing and responding to behaviours in a learning environment
“The expression often used is that the learners in post-compulsory education and training ‘are there because they want to be there’. This is a reasonable assumption to make, of course, since we are talking here about a sector which is ,post compulsory’. No-one is forced to be there. Therefore every learner enrolled at the college will be there out of choice. Won’t they?” Wallace:(2010:4)
The way that learners behave in the learning environment varies a great deal, from being well behaved, to emotional and uncontrollable behaviour. (Find survey of misbehaviour in Post 16+)
Most learners do not realise or know they are behaving inappropriately. Some of the signs are the learners having a lack of organisation, disrupting others, violent behaviour and lack of work. Not all learners behaviour inappropriately signs of a good learner are they are organised, willing to learn, enthusiastic and a good role model for the other learners. The learners will the bad behaviour can be turned into good learners with the teacher and how they deal with them, good clear discipline.
“Most pupils want to learn and will work for the teachers who are in interesting, interested in them, knowledgeable, consistent, fair and have a sense of humour. It is also true that some pupils will pose problems whatever the circumstances and however outstanding the teacher. (Howe, 1993 cited in Nathan 1997:99)
Some learners start off enjoying the course and progressing at the correct level then something happens and they change. This can be linked with emotional behaviour, where they start to react emotionally to situations. Some of the signs that I have come across are:
• Noticeable changes in the quality of their work
• Significant change in mood
• Inappropriate outbursts
• Student appears to show signs of poor hygiene
• Suspected...