Introduction to Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children and Young Peoples Settings
Unit 5
Carl Iddon
1.1 Define the term `duty of care`
The term duty of care is the legal obligation that you have when in the position to look after
vulnerable individuals to protect them from harm and support them to lead a fulfilled life working
to high standards and all legislations and policies.
1.2 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role
My duty of care is to support vulnerable adults with a variety of health needs and provide them with
the best possible care making sure all the individuals needs are met with a person centred approach,
being aware of any issues that may arise and have the knowledge to assess situations and respond
accordingly in the best interests of the clients ensuring safety from harm and promoting
independence and choice. People have a right to expect they will be kept safe and not neglected, or
exposed to risks, we owe a duty of care to the people we support. You should think about if what
you are doing is best for your client and that you are not putting them art harm or risk, and that you
respect their wishes and retain their dignity. Always work within your own boundaries never
attempt anything you are not trained or qualified to do.
2.1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights
You have a duty of care to others, but they have a right to make their own decisions and to achieve
these can be difficult. Sometimes it is not possible to grant their wishes, they may need assistance
but refuse it, if they are planning to do something that will cause harm to themselves, to others or is
2.2 Explain where to get additional support and advice about how to resolve such dilemmas
Where possible try to speak to the service users family or friends. It may also be possible to speak
to other colleagues, supervisor or manager. There may be also other health workers you may come...