According to the Ethical Guidelines written by the British Educational Research Association (BERA 2011) the name of children and the school in this assignment have been changed in order to maintain confidentiality and anonymity.
Including all children
In this assignment I intend to show my understanding and awareness of inclusion for all children in the different learning experiences in the classroom, regardless of age and ability. I will show evidence of how the individual needs are being met within the classroom, and will discuss the strategies already put in place to support these needs.
During this assignment I will be discussing the additional needs of one specific child who shall be referred to as Child A from now on.
Child A is currently in Year 4 and is based in a mixed Year 4 & Year 5 Tutor group. She is popular within school and well liked by both the adults and her peers. She is often described widely as a "book worm".
When Child A was in Year 3 it quickly became apparent that she was very talented in literacy. She was confidently working at a higher level than her peers and the national average level expected for her age, and so was placed on the gifted and talented register within school.
An understanding of the challenge to inclusion
While Child A was in Year 3 I was employed as the classroom Teaching Assistant, primarily to support two SEN children. Fortunately I was also given the opportunity to work with children of different abilities at some point, and on occasions lead the lessons during the Class Teachers PPA. It was during this time that I was able to witness and observe the additional needs that Child A had.
When the class teacher was planning for the literacy lessons she was already differentiating the lesson six ways due to the varying abilities of the class. (K.S. 4.2) Child A was at this point working at a level above national expectations.
This resulted in the work set often being completed ahead of her peers and at a...