
E219 Psychology of childhood and youth
TMA 01
Part 1: Give a brief definition of attachment and describe the three main attachment classifications.
Part 2: Internal working models
Part 3: To what extent might early self-recognition be seen as a coping strategy for insecurely attached infants?
Part 4: What is the relationship between self-regulation in children and later success in school?
Part 5: What is ‘emotional reciprocity’ between mother and child and why is it important? What do you think would happen if there is no, or very limited, reciprocity between mother and child?
Part 6: What is meant by ‘theory of mind’? Why is it so important in understanding how infants communicate and how does this relate to the formation of attachments?
Part 7: Why are children in families with multiple problems more likely to have insecure attachment classifications? Consider the Sutton Trust’s claims and evaluate the evidence presented for these.
Part 8: Conclusion
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Part 1: Give a brief definition of attachment and describe the three main attachment classifications.
Attachment refers specifically to the strong emotional bond between a baby and his or her caregiver, and the essential nature that this relationship provides to the baby in being able to develop fruitfully. Up until the middle of the twentieth century, it was, quite justifiably on the face of it, assumed that this bond was driven merely out of the need for primary requirements, such as food, water and shelter. And although it was Harlow who largely disproved this with his macaque monkey experiments, it was John Bowlby, who developed the idea of attachment theory as it is understood today. (cited in Oates, 2015) It was Bowlby’s contention that babies build up an idea of themselves and their caregiver, from which they can build a template of emotional experiences which can then be applied to new experiences. These ‘ideas’ of how things are, Bowlby termed ‘Internal Working Models.’ He theorised...