Early Adulthood

Question 1 – Physical Development 420 Most people reach their physical peak before the age of 30, often between the ages of 19 and 26. Not only do we reach our peak in physical performance during early adulthood, but it is also during this age period that we begin to decline in physical performance (Santrock, 2009). Muscle tone and strength usually begin to show signs of decline around the age of 30. Sagging chins and protruding abdomens also may begin to appear for the first time. Sensory systems show little change in early adulthood, but the lens of the eye loses some of its elasticity and becomes less able to change shape and focus on near objects. Hearing peaks in adolescence, remains constant in the first part of early adulthood, and then begins to decline in the last part of early adulthood. And in the midto late twenties, the body’s fatty tissue increases (Santrock, 2009). At this time, baby Doe would be reaching her physical prime but nearer to the end of this stage she will be physically declining as in maybe getting crows feet by her eyes and maybe getting wrinkles at this time too. Question 2 – Health 420 Emerging adults have more than twice the mortality rate of adolescents with males mainly responsible for the higher mortality rate (Park & others, 2006). Although emerging adults have a higher death rate than adolescents, emerging adults have few chronic health problems and they have fewer colds and respiratory problems than when they were children (Rimsza & Kirk, 2005). A longitudinal study revealed that most bad health habits engaged in during adolescence increased in emerging adulthood (Harris & others, 2006). Inactivity, diet, obesity, substance use, reproductive health care, and health-care access worsened in emerging adulthood (Santrock, 2009). The health profile of emerging and young adults can be improved by reducing the incidence of certain health-impairing lifestyles, such as overeating, and by engaging in health-improving lifestyles that...